ESP Neighborhood Meeting Update – April 2015

The East Side Partnership held a neighborhood meeting on April 22, 2015. During the meeting, Eva Weller and James Grunberger provided updates to the attendees on the Stamford Urban Transitway Project, provided announcements about upcoming events and introduced Vin Tufo, who provided a presentation about the Custer Street renovation project.


James read a letter from Ann Brown from the Office of Operations for the City of Stamford. The Urban Transitway Phase II resumed work on East Main Street in April. The underground utility work on the south side of East Main Street is complete except for the Level 3 conduit at the Myrtle ave/East Main St intersection. Base paving of the south side of East Main St is complete. When the south side is finished, traffic will be placed in this area and the north side of East Main will be started. The Contractor expects to begin on the north side of East Main St by July 2015. The Contractor continues to coordinate its work efforts with the utility companies.